Welcome to Typetrap
Typetrap is a project that allows everybody to learn the basics of script calligraphy.
Watch the workshop intro.
Watch session#1
Watch session#2
Watch session#3
Watch session#4
Watch session#5
How it works

Personalized practice sheets
Practice calligraphy with your favorite quotes, names or words. Cool huh? Here is how it works:

The Typetrap fonts
The typetrap font was especially designed for this program. It is build to be a beautiful looking script, but also to be recreated by the hand of the writer the most easy way possible. The font houses all the basic letters you need to accomplish in this course. The cherry on top is that you can dowload it for free (for personal use only!). If you use it in pointsize 50 you’ve got the right proportions to use it as template for your writings.
Characters in this typeface:

Try the fonts
Type in what ever you want and see if you like it.
In my opinon calligraphy should be practicable for everybody who wants to give it a try: young, old, for right and for left handed – even on a tight budget.
First things first: You will not be a calligrapher in 20 minutes! Even 30 minutes will maybe be not enough time to get that done, so please expect no miracles – especially in the first time. And maybe calligrahy is not for you! Maybe this programme is not for you! Calligraphy is all about practising! That said, it could be a good starting point to do a 20-30 minute practice-session a daily basis, but that depends on your personal daily plan.
You can learn basic calligraphy, to be more specific: the typetrap script – a typeface especially designed for this programme.
You can download your free practisesheets, print them, watch the video tutorials on youtube and start practising!
We start out with a few Basic strokes to get to know the tool better which you‘ll be writing with(Pentel Sign Pen Brush). This may seem a little boring at first, but trust me, its nessesary to get good and satisfying results in the end.
We patitioned this programme in five different chapters that build up on each other, so you have a step-by-step scedule that is based on your personal skilllevel:
#1 Basic skills: To get used to writing with the Signpen you‘ll learn to do the basic up- and downstrokes in the right angle to get a professional and consistend look later on.
#2 The second chapter is about basic letterforms: Here you‘ll lern the most important letterform, that we called „the hook“!
And when you went through this basics, your‘re able to write your first four letters – and that shoult be worth something, nor?
#3 The third chapter is about basic letterforms as well. Its focus is on the rounded shapes of the letters. And if you´ve accomplished this session you should be able to write already thirteen letters of our alphabet! Nice!
#4 In this session you´ll learn the „g-loop“. And after that, you can add three more letters to your accomplished list.
#5 This last session is about individual letterforms that do not base on one particular form and have to be treated seperately. But the do base on the same principal like the other letters you´ve learned by that time already.
And that´s basically it.